M.E. Sanseverino:
Helen tends the rope
M.E. Sanseverino:
A bit of fixed rope
M.E. Sanseverino:
Above the headwall
M.E. Sanseverino:
Headwall Lake
M.E. Sanseverino:
Helen keeping watch
M.E. Sanseverino:
Just below the glacier travel portion of the day
M.E. Sanseverino:
The Fellowship of the Smoke
M.E. Sanseverino:
Helen says "we go that way"
M.E. Sanseverino:
Rope teams on the glacier
M.E. Sanseverino:
Helen leading us on
M.E. Sanseverino:
The noon-day sun
M.E. Sanseverino:
Off the glacier and on the ridge to Bombay
M.E. Sanseverino:
Part of Team Hamilton
M.E. Sanseverino:
Getting ready for the ridge
M.E. Sanseverino:
Looking west from the col between Bombay and Wiser
M.E. Sanseverino:
Looking over at Wiser Peak
M.E. Sanseverino:
The Joy Glacier below Wiser Peak
M.E. Sanseverino:
Summit gallivanting
M.E. Sanseverino:
And that's why we called it Bombay Peak
M.E. Sanseverino:
Coming down from Bombay Peak
M.E. Sanseverino:
Team Hamilton with Helen S. in the lead
M.E. Sanseverino:
Headwall Lake
M.E. Sanseverino:
Helen setting Steve up for rappel
M.E. Sanseverino:
M.E. Sanseverino:
Just below Headwall Lake