M.E. Sanseverino: A totally different kind of hanging -- not so much with the gardens though!
M.E. Sanseverino: Shooting stars and hikers
M.E. Sanseverino: The view from the south summit of Cobble Hill
M.E. Sanseverino: Mike and John in one or the handing gardens
M.E. Sanseverino: Mary coming up through one of the hanging gardens
M.E. Sanseverino: One of the Hanging Gardens of Cobble Hill
M.E. Sanseverino: Panorama looking north west from just below Cobble Hill summit
M.E. Sanseverino: Summit vista from Cobble Hill
M.E. Sanseverino: Summit shot - Cobble Hill
M.E. Sanseverino: On the summit of Cobble Hill
M.E. Sanseverino: Diane and Mary looking over toward Mt. Baker
M.E. Sanseverino: Balance beam crowd