msadurski: “Precz z faszyzmem” (Down with fascism ) - activist Zbigniew Komosa protests in front of Presidential Palace, Warsaw, Poland
msadurski: Free Julian Assange demonstration, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Free Julian Assange demonstration, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Free Julian Assange demonstration, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Free Julian Assange demonstration, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Free Julian Assange demonstration, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Jarosław Kaczyński during 'Miesięcznica', Warsaw, Poland
msadurski: Mourner with portrait of late Lech Kaczyński, President of Poland, and First Lady, Warsaw, Poland.
msadurski: People perusing new monument, Marshal Pilsudski Sq, Warsaw, Poland
msadurski: Monthly 'Miesięcznica' march, Warsaw, Poland
msadurski: 'Here is the border of decency.'
msadurski: 'I am pissed off'.
msadurski: Eventually the president vetoed 2 of 3 bills.
msadurski: Free Courts, Constitution, Veto or Revolution!
msadurski: The protesters urged the president to vetos all three bills.
msadurski: 'For Freedom and Democracy'
msadurski: 'PiS = populism and coup d'etat'
msadurski: 'The Constitution of the Republic of Poland'
msadurski: Protesters in front of the Parliament
msadurski: White roses were the symbol of the protest.
msadurski: Steve Bray, AntiBrexit supporter, Parliament Square, London, UK
msadurski: Sudanese diaspora protest against the military rule in Sudan, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Sudanese diaspora protest against the military rule in Sudan, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Sudanese diaspora protest against the military rule in Sudan, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: Sudanese diaspora protest against the military rule in Sudan, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK
msadurski: The Sikh Massacre Remembrance Protest Procession, Hyde Park, London, UK
msadurski: Anit-Brexit Picket, Westminster, London, UK
msadurski: Anit-Brexit Picket, Westminster, London, UK
msadurski: Meditating Falun Gong, Trafalgar Sq, London, UK