Qatsi Fisher: Disyuntiva
Qatsi Fisher: Motorista
Qatsi Fisher: Explicaciones
Qatsi Fisher: Balance
Qatsi Fisher: Amistad
Qatsi Fisher: Gangrena Surf
Qatsi Fisher: El arte se vende
Qatsi Fisher: Complicidad
Qatsi Fisher: No estacionar
Qatsi Fisher: La soledad en la época moderna
Qatsi Fisher: Walking
Qatsi Fisher: Man v/s machine
Qatsi Fisher: Cansancio
Qatsi Fisher: Comida
Qatsi Fisher: La voz de la experiencia
Qatsi Fisher: Shadow and fog
Qatsi Fisher: Señalética
Qatsi Fisher: Organilleros
Qatsi Fisher: MInisterio de justicia
Qatsi Fisher: God is gay
Qatsi Fisher: El tamborero
Qatsi Fisher: Vip Class
Qatsi Fisher: Red social/ Social network
Qatsi Fisher: Lectora
Qatsi Fisher: Whatsapp???
Qatsi Fisher: The Matrix II
Qatsi Fisher: Blade runner