ms2thdr: Where the Sky meets the Land in RI
ms2thdr: A day in the park
ms2thdr: Searsport, Maine, IR
ms2thdr: Stormy Skies over the 7 mile beach
ms2thdr: Waiting out the rain
ms2thdr: Reaching skyward
ms2thdr: A day on the shore.
ms2thdr: White light
ms2thdr: Japanese Gardens, IR
ms2thdr: RI State House from Prospect Terrace Park
ms2thdr: Bison
ms2thdr: 911 Memorial at WTC site.
ms2thdr: "Localized Heavy Showers"
ms2thdr: Grazing under a cloudy Sky
ms2thdr: Abandoned house
ms2thdr: Late afternoon snack
ms2thdr: Cyclamen
ms2thdr: (Bath)Room With a View
ms2thdr: Happy Surfer Girl
ms2thdr: One of Stephen Proctor's ceramic vessels on the grounds of Blithewold Arboretum
ms2thdr: Strandarkirkja, in IR
ms2thdr: A good day for surf
ms2thdr: Palm Trees in the wind
ms2thdr: Ethereal Palm Trees
ms2thdr: Looking down, way down
ms2thdr: Cholla Tree
ms2thdr: Joshua Tree in Infrared
ms2thdr: Looking straight up
ms2thdr: Bandstand at Roger Williams Park
ms2thdr: East Bank of the Salton Sea