ms. mac: The Lausanne Metro
ms. mac: Inside the Clockwork Train
ms. mac: Ouchy Harbour
ms. mac: Ouchy Harbour
ms. mac: Ouchy Harbour Fountain
ms. mac: Street Chess
ms. mac: Ewww! Statue BO!
ms. mac: Presenting Lausanne!
ms. mac: Looky! A Boat!
ms. mac: Me Poledancing
ms. mac: And Now, With Her Beam Routine......
ms. mac: Hey! That Looks like Beauxbatons!
ms. mac: Hello Ducky!
ms. mac: Yukk! Seagulls!
ms. mac: Craig Shaving A Statue's Pubic Hair
ms. mac: Naked Lady Statue
ms. mac: Eeeek! My Shitduck Nightmare!
ms. mac: Geneva Used To be Over There.....
ms. mac: Me in Ouchy
ms. mac: Posh Hotel
ms. mac: Hotel for Angleterres
ms. mac: Winter Trees
ms. mac: Flags
ms. mac: Yeah! The Pirate Resto!
ms. mac: Inside the French Cafe....
ms. mac: Looking Out From the Cafe
ms. mac: Ouchy Chateau
ms. mac: Ouchy Chateau
ms. mac: Lausanne, Home of the Olympic Museum
ms. mac: Narnia in French