kumarara: night and cat
onevery: Okinawa Japan
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Graffiti by Tosh, Etnik
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Graffiti by Tosh, Etnik
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Street art/graffiti by Zolta, Arp, Diego Miedo, Lex, Sten, Tosh, TLM L'Ost
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Street art by Tosh, Dasky, Phen, Etnik - and...
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Graffiti by Tosh, TLM L'Ost
R come Rit@: Roma. Metro B, S. M. Soccorso. Street art/graffiti by Mr.Thoms, Beit, Tosh, Robof, Kosher, Hunto, Orgh, Some, Aspe
R come Rit@: Roma. Metro B, S. M. Soccorso. Street art by Mr.Thoms, Beit, Tosh, Robof, Kosher, Hunto, Orgh, Some, Aspe
R come Rit@: Roma. Prenestino. Svincoli
R come Rit@: Roma. Prenestino. Svincoli
R come Rit@: Roma. Prenestino. Graffiti by Tosh, Ivan, Allover
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Graffiti by Tosh
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Street art/graffiti by Hitnes, Vela, Pepsy, Tosh, Rufus
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Street art/graffiti by Tosh, Etnik
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Street art/graffiti by Soew-Sawe, Tosh, Etnik
R come Rit@: Roma. Rampa Prenestina. Street art/graffiti by Tosh, Etnik
Leo Hartadi: Sagamiko
Leo Hartadi: Sagamiko
SHOK-1: 'The Anatomy of a Hater'
onevery: Osaka
yesB: Today's piece painted with ma boy Izer , he was kind enough to do me some calligraphy in my S, good day...dielooted
Mark Jello: rebeldia
DavidL Barcelona: Detalle 2013...
DavidL Barcelona: DavidL 2013
angelorasile: Camaleonte 2000
Greenoha sobhi: kom el dekka : 25
francesco barbieri 76: some of my works for the group show "XXxXX venti per venti" @Studio D'Ars Gallery, Milan
tokyofashion: Urban Decay, Tokyo