Drifter In Time: Reuben Langstaff (circa 1882)
Drifter In Time: Driftwood
Drifter In Time: Departure
Drifter In Time: Coggeshall
Drifter In Time: Remains of the "City of Taunton" 2
Drifter In Time: Block Island Sound
Drifter In Time: Abandoned Housing
Drifter In Time: Warren, RI or Peyton Place?
Drifter In Time: November in Swansea
Drifter In Time: City of Fall River
Drifter In Time: untitled
Drifter In Time: New Bedford Fishing Vessels
Drifter In Time: Rehoboth Village
Drifter In Time: Two Boats
Drifter In Time: When the New Haven Ran Through Somerset (1)