mr_student: Yellow in the Highlands
mr_student: Glen Coe
mr_student: Killarney national park, Ireland
mr_student: Pittenweem
mr_student: Scottish Loch
mr_student: Through Glen Coe
mr_student: In the little forrest
mr_student: Strolling in Killarney National Park
mr_student: Enjoying Galway
mr_student: Inch Beach - Ireland
mr_student: Posing with Fudgie
mr_student: Trinity Collage - Dublin
mr_student: Trinity College - Dublin
mr_student: Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin
mr_student: Go on, be more Irish
mr_student: Pouring at the source
mr_student: Going the point at the factory
mr_student: Inch Beach - Ireland
mr_student: Strathkinness
mr_student: Fort William at sunset
mr_student: Crail
mr_student: Fort William
mr_student: The Parents near Fort William