MrStaticVoid: Sarah at Ben's Pizza
MrStaticVoid: The Comedy Cellar
MrStaticVoid: Strolling Through Washington Square Park
MrStaticVoid: The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree
MrStaticVoid: 30 Rock
MrStaticVoid: Checking Out Grand Central Terminal
MrStaticVoid: Our Pod at The Pod Hotel
MrStaticVoid: Hot Jumbo Bagel
MrStaticVoid: The Roosevelt Island Tram
MrStaticVoid: An Art Outside of Central Park
MrStaticVoid: Ice Rink at Central Park
MrStaticVoid: IMG_5354.jpg
MrStaticVoid: A Central Park Tunnel
MrStaticVoid: Atop the Central Park Observatory
MrStaticVoid: Sarah in Central Park
MrStaticVoid: On Our Way to See "How To Succed in Business Without Really Trying" with Daniel Radcliffe
MrStaticVoid: Sarah and Dan
MrStaticVoid: Times Square
MrStaticVoid: Times Square