mrsmoneytoo: a perfet seat!
mrsmoneytoo: the green in the water
mrsmoneytoo: Quintesential Maine.....
mrsmoneytoo: Beach plum flowers on the Marginal Maine
mrsmoneytoo: love the perspective of the woman and the sea
mrsmoneytoo: sailboat sailing away
mrsmoneytoo: harbor in maine
mrsmoneytoo: boats boats boats!
mrsmoneytoo: Paris! window display
mrsmoneytoo: delicate glass and lace
mrsmoneytoo: the perfect view
mrsmoneytoo: starfish
mrsmoneytoo: tide is out
mrsmoneytoo: maine views
mrsmoneytoo: up on the roof
mrsmoneytoo: to the beach
mrsmoneytoo: lobster
mrsmoneytoo: beach day shadow
mrsmoneytoo: forever friends....
mrsmoneytoo: lovely flowers
mrsmoneytoo: Nubble Lighthouse
mrsmoneytoo: blueberries
mrsmoneytoo: low tide
mrsmoneytoo: displaying our flag for the 4th of July!
mrsmoneytoo: Liberty!
mrsmoneytoo: even the dog got in on the 4th festivities!
mrsmoneytoo: beach light