Mr. Singer: Truss Bridge Record Board STAR project Rafael and Kai
Mr. Singer: Typewriter wall stand with paper tray STAR project Dylan
Mr. Singer: Woodburner stand STAR project Hayden and Cyrus
Mr. Singer: Hot glue gun stands STAR Project AJ and Carl
Mr. Singer: Hot glue gun stands STAR Project AJ and Carl
Mr. Singer: Davidson Gorge Truss Bridge Testing Platform STAR Project Mikaila and Luca
Mr. Singer: Jigsaw rack STAR project Pablo and Charlie
Mr. Singer: Circuit Block battery packs with safety fuses STAR Project Nick
Mr. Singer: Circuit Block battery packs with safety fuses STAR Project Nick
Mr. Singer: Laser cutter wood rack STAR project Jeremi and Joshua
Mr. Singer: Marshmallow Challenge Record Board STAR Project Andre
Mr. Singer: Drill Rack STAR project Edwin and Anthony