Mrs Hoffy: Latriiiiice Royaaaale!
Mrs Hoffy: What people do when they're waiting for the show to begin
Mrs Hoffy: A disco ball? In a gay club?
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice meet 'n' greet
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice Royale and Raquel Blake
Mrs Hoffy: There's Latrice!
Mrs Hoffy: We mistakenly slipped into the VIP area
Mrs Hoffy: Latriiiiice
Mrs Hoffy: @LatriceRoyale is large and in charge!
Mrs Hoffy: Hostesses Lakia Mondale and Raquel Blake
Mrs Hoffy: Both former queens of Boston Pride
Mrs Hoffy: Sparkly
Mrs Hoffy: Lakia Mondale introduces Latrice Royale
Mrs Hoffy: Sapphira Cristàl
Mrs Hoffy: Raquel Blake as Cher
Mrs Hoffy: Raquel Blake performs as Cher
Mrs Hoffy: Melanie Moore is the evil queen
Mrs Hoffy: Melanie Moore, Boston Pride Queen constestant
Mrs Hoffy: Fer Cardin, contestant for Boston Pride King 2012
Mrs Hoffy: Having fun
Mrs Hoffy: We need to do this every week
Mrs Hoffy: Lakia Mondale werks it out with a Tasty Burger
Mrs Hoffy: Square dance or drag show?
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice blows our minds
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice lip synchs for tips
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice Royale
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice Royale performs
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice Royale and her adoring public
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice rakes in the cash
Mrs Hoffy: Latrice gets tips