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Latrice Muthalovin Royale! by Mrs Hoffy
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Mrs Hoffy
Latriiiiice Royaaaale!
Mrs Hoffy
What people do when they're waiting for the show to begin
Mrs Hoffy
A disco ball? In a gay club?
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice meet 'n' greet
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice Royale and Raquel Blake
Mrs Hoffy
There's Latrice!
Mrs Hoffy
We mistakenly slipped into the VIP area
Mrs Hoffy
Mrs Hoffy
@LatriceRoyale is large and in charge!
Mrs Hoffy
Hostesses Lakia Mondale and Raquel Blake
Mrs Hoffy
Both former queens of Boston Pride
Mrs Hoffy
Mrs Hoffy
Lakia Mondale introduces Latrice Royale
Mrs Hoffy
Sapphira Cristàl
Mrs Hoffy
Raquel Blake as Cher
Mrs Hoffy
Raquel Blake performs as Cher
Mrs Hoffy
Melanie Moore is the evil queen
Mrs Hoffy
Melanie Moore, Boston Pride Queen constestant
Mrs Hoffy
Fer Cardin, contestant for Boston Pride King 2012
Mrs Hoffy
Having fun
Mrs Hoffy
We need to do this every week
Mrs Hoffy
Lakia Mondale werks it out with a Tasty Burger
Mrs Hoffy
Square dance or drag show?
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice blows our minds
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice lip synchs for tips
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice Royale
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice Royale performs
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice Royale and her adoring public
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice rakes in the cash
Mrs Hoffy
Latrice gets tips
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