Mrs Hoffy: Aww, Pumpkin & Oscar
Mrs Hoffy: Snuggly
Mrs Hoffy: What Big Kitty was doing while the puppy was visiting
Mrs Hoffy: Group Shot
Mrs Hoffy: Henry's fish cake
Mrs Hoffy: Icing tongue
Mrs Hoffy: Colors!
Mrs Hoffy: Hoffy's bunny egg
Mrs Hoffy: ...and Joel was like, "Aaay! Fuggedaboutit!"
Mrs Hoffy: Action shot!
Mrs Hoffy: Extreme Antiquing!
Mrs Hoffy: Benjamin with his booty
Mrs Hoffy: Everyone arrives
Mrs Hoffy: On your marks, get set...
Mrs Hoffy: Found it!
Mrs Hoffy: Thuy's turn
Mrs Hoffy: Shake that ice cream!
Mrs Hoffy: Proud parents
Mrs Hoffy: Ready to eat
Mrs Hoffy: Aaron shows photos to Gramma
Mrs Hoffy: Iza's pretty play-doh animals
Mrs Hoffy: Matthew, Benjamin, Will
Mrs Hoffy: Ana, Vica and Sophia
Mrs Hoffy: Putting the dock in
Mrs Hoffy: Pretend boat ride
Mrs Hoffy: Gardening at Gramma's
Mrs Hoffy: Gardening at Gramma's
Mrs Hoffy: Will
Mrs Hoffy: Gramma's cake
Mrs Hoffy: Buka gets a gift (it was also Mother's Day!)