Mrs Hoffy: Jack-o-Lantern
Mrs Hoffy: Angry Jack-o-Lantern
Mrs Hoffy: Vica the "dead bride" gets ready
Mrs Hoffy: Leftovers!
Mrs Hoffy: Jack-o-lantern decoration
Mrs Hoffy: Ready to roll
Mrs Hoffy: Power Ranger gets his trick-or-treat bag
Mrs Hoffy: The gang
Mrs Hoffy: on the move
Mrs Hoffy: First house
Mrs Hoffy: Trick-or-treat!
Mrs Hoffy: Trick or treatin'
Mrs Hoffy: Angela is a bulky microwave
Mrs Hoffy: Leftovers in the microwave
Mrs Hoffy: Coming up to a scary house
Mrs Hoffy: The scary house
Mrs Hoffy: I'm crazy Dead Bride, gimme some candy!
Mrs Hoffy: A lawn decoration
Mrs Hoffy: Henry met up with his friend the pirate.
Mrs Hoffy: Lots of great jack-o-lanterns at this house
Mrs Hoffy: A pretty, simple jack-o-lantern
Mrs Hoffy: This family had a pet rat!
Mrs Hoffy: The pet rat greets trick-or-treaters