zoej1983: Burning Rose
zoej1983: Daff's on a hill
zoej1983: Spring is on its way
zoej1983: A thing of Beauty
zoej1983: Rose droplets
zoej1983: Purple droplets
zoej1983: Freshia
zoej1983: Just because I love you
zoej1983: Crocus
zoej1983: Tulip
zoej1983: Petals
zoej1983: Colour of Fire
zoej1983: open at last
zoej1983: closed crocus
zoej1983: Daffodil on Blue
zoej1983: Pretty Pink
zoej1983: flower
zoej1983: flower
zoej1983: flower
zoej1983: pink flower
zoej1983: Blanket of Yellow
zoej1983: Blossom
zoej1983: White Blossom
zoej1983: Snowdrop
zoej1983: Snowdrop
zoej1983: Daff's
zoej1983: Yellow
zoej1983: Spring colour
zoej1983: Baby Daffadil
zoej1983: Beautiful Blossom