habitatgirl: Cousin Bob makes beautiful turned wood pieces
habitatgirl: Cousin Bob shows us how he makes a bowl out of a piece of wood
habitatgirl: Cow at the Flea Market
habitatgirl: Dad chilling
habitatgirl: De's overgrown garden
habitatgirl: Flowers Off the Porch
habitatgirl: Lots of Gee Gaws Around
habitatgirl: Lovely bowl
habitatgirl: One of Daddy's tractors
habitatgirl: Perfection of Nature
habitatgirl: Puppy at the Flea Market
habitatgirl: Rusted Tricycle
habitatgirl: Shopping at the Flea Market
habitatgirl: The Foods of my people
habitatgirl: The Hive
habitatgirl: Tallulah Gorge
habitatgirl: Serious Dad
habitatgirl: Lots of flowers around
habitatgirl: Lanterns
habitatgirl: Hummingbird Feeder
habitatgirl: Fun Stuff on the porch
habitatgirl: Daddy's Bee Hives
habitatgirl: Daddy Les and Deleur
habitatgirl: Cousin Bob has bees too
habitatgirl: Lunch at the Dillard House
habitatgirl: We ate all of it
habitatgirl: At Tallulah Gorge
habitatgirl: Bouncer has four front paws
habitatgirl: Bouncer the six footed cat