habitatgirl: The end of the party
habitatgirl: Handsome Howard
habitatgirl: We've eaten the birthday cake
habitatgirl: Yum say Bryan and Lisa
habitatgirl: Les and Martha
habitatgirl: Martha, Bryan and Lisa
habitatgirl: David and Les tuck in
habitatgirl: The table looked great
habitatgirl: Everybody is working
habitatgirl: David and Bryan chat
habitatgirl: Miles of Lamb Patties
habitatgirl: Soulful Angus
habitatgirl: Mint Heart
habitatgirl: Martha brought the cake and champagne bucket
habitatgirl: The happy cooks
habitatgirl: Martha
habitatgirl: Chopping Garlic
habitatgirl: Melange of garlic, tomato and onion
habitatgirl: The table is set
habitatgirl: Our wedding cutlery
habitatgirl: Champagne, Riesling and Eiswine on tap
habitatgirl: The dining room
habitatgirl: The living room is party-ready
habitatgirl: Rose of sharon is budding
habitatgirl: Don't know what the flower is
habitatgirl: A little field by the garage