Mrs. Flinger: Best Coffee In Italy, No Joke
Mrs. Flinger: Duplicating Humans
Mrs. Flinger: I do love the streets here
Mrs. Flinger: Ponte alle Grazie
Mrs. Flinger: Florentine Homes
Mrs. Flinger: Ponte Vecchio
Mrs. Flinger: Florence. Y'all. FLORENCE.
Mrs. Flinger: Not the "real" David, but a replica of where he used to stand naked
Mrs. Flinger: Can't find this guy's name. I'm sure you'll know. I read it in a book once.
Mrs. Flinger: Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore
Mrs. Flinger: Florence
Mrs. Flinger: The door of The Baptistery of St. John
Mrs. Flinger: Patience.
Mrs. Flinger: Jesus's Eight Ball.
Mrs. Flinger: Ornate
Mrs. Flinger: Horizontal stripes are in!
Mrs. Flinger: A series of photos where I stopped breathing
Mrs. Flinger: This is my Florence
Mrs. Flinger: Florence. This. Is. Florence.
Mrs. Flinger: Look up
Mrs. Flinger: A not-leaning-tower. Don't let the photo fool you.
Mrs. Flinger: Dome at sunset
Mrs. Flinger: When you leae dinner and see this? You remember to say thank you.
Mrs. Flinger: I love all the allys.
Mrs. Flinger: Tower
Mrs. Flinger: Sunset
Mrs. Flinger: Florence Dome At Sunset
Mrs. Flinger: I know I know, I couldn't help myself.
Mrs. Flinger: Stand tall. There's no symbolysm here at all.
Mrs. Flinger: The stars at night, are big and bright.. wait.. wrong continent