Mrs. Flinger: @etraordmommy
Mrs. Flinger: @texasredbooks
Mrs. Flinger: Me and @amandamagee
Mrs. Flinger: She's sort of a big deal and she's sort of helping us with our swag. Denise from BlogHer.
Mrs. Flinger: beers and good peeps
Mrs. Flinger: Yes, that's amanda and BAREFOOTFOODIE
Mrs. Flinger: He's cheap
Mrs. Flinger: Me and THE MANN
Mrs. Flinger: @jennui1 is my just simply lovely
Mrs. Flinger: shakin' the booty during the 704 giveaway
Mrs. Flinger: @angellad is so kissy. I love her that way.
Mrs. Flinger: IMG_9315.JPG
Mrs. Flinger: @vdog at the @room704 party
Mrs. Flinger: @sgetgood and moi
Mrs. Flinger: That's my @sarcasticmomLC. We're twinz.
Mrs. Flinger: Loter and I make our marriage official.
Mrs. Flinger: Janet @caffinatrix and me
Mrs. Flinger: Kelby Carr? Yea, she's teh awesome.
Mrs. Flinger: GREIS!
Mrs. Flinger: We have an @room704 crush on Ted from ELF. He makes us pretty.
Mrs. Flinger: That's Miss Grace and Gwenbell on her birthday
Mrs. Flinger: IMG_9326.JPG
Mrs. Flinger: Mathew (AKA: @childsplayx2) is f'ing awesome.
Mrs. Flinger: IMG_9328.JPG
Mrs. Flinger: IMG_9330.JPG
Mrs. Flinger: Mommy 4 Cocktails, Christine from The Bean Blog, and SCHMUTIZIE!
Mrs. Flinger: Yea, I love her this much.
Mrs. Flinger: Amy from Ohio and A mom story
Mrs. Flinger: Janet (@caffinatrix) and Liz (@thisfullhouse).
Mrs. Flinger: ZOMG That's busymom!