Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Pretending to clean the oven...she DOES take after Mama, at least a little! @bpowell777
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Good luck at Miss America, Lauren! I'm so blessed to have met and worked with you! You are a TRUE beauty. #proverbs31
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Fun with a new book from her (fairy) godmother, @jenebassett.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Stalking birds.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: The cheeks: She's still got 'em. (Thank goodness.)
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Just Say No to Ballet. Or go ahead and say yes, but just know that you'll be giving your knees the middle finger in about 15 years.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Days like today, Harper and I have a very hard time getting out of our pajamas.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Practicing.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Mardi Gras Queen.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Cruising with her best friend.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Kisses $0.25.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: We're a little early, but I couldn't wait any longer for Harper to wear her Valentine's finery.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: About to put these in the ground and see what happens. Here goes nothin'. #luckoftheirish?
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: S--- just got real.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: This is one of those "mom" activities that I always dreamed of doing.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: "A Man's Requirements" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, read by Heather Hooper during our wedding ceremony.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Ratine Powell had a happy Valentine's Day, too.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Come to Mama...
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Walking home from church with my loves.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Tuckered out.
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: My nugget is home!
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Well, that's not very nice. #PicTapGo
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Sporting her new rat shirt. #pictapgo
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Kisses. #PicTapGo
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Bridesmaid bouquet. #PicTapGo
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: My Perkins and me. #PicTapGo
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: Judging the Artbreak talent show auditions (fueled by the nectar of the gods).
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: And lo, peace shall reign on Earth, or at least the Powell household, for the next 28 minutes. #PicTapGo
Mrs. Bachelor Girl: At the park.