shona.2: My favourite photo...x
shona.2: Reflecting on Portobello beach....xx
shona.2: My boy and his girl...❤
shona.2: Sunshine....x
shona.2: Look in my eye...x
shona.2: Dreaming....x
shona.2: My "hairy bairns" Jack and Arthur! ❤x
shona.2: Reflecting...xx
shona.2: Edinburgh skyline...x
shona.2: Walk in the woods...xx
shona.2: Deep in thought..x
shona.2: Oh what a night...xx
shona.2: In the sand dunes...xx
shona.2: A very good morning..xx
shona.2: Sunflares...xx
shona.2: Bench at the beach...xx
shona.2: Hailes castle...xx
shona.2: Flying...xx
shona.2: Reflections..xx
shona.2: Please throw a stick into the water...Jack.xx
shona.2: Arthur squirrel watching...xx
shona.2: Insomnia hits again..x
shona.2: Happy bench Monday..xx
shona.2: A little higher..xx
shona.2: Rising...xx
shona.2: Arthur having a stroll..xx
shona.2: Even Arthur enjoys taking it all in...xx
shona.2: My good man...xx
shona.2: A warm up break...xx
shona.2: Low mist..xx