Suzy & Chris: Driving a train
Suzy & Chris: Driving a train
Suzy & Chris: Driving a train
Suzy & Chris: Driving a train
Suzy & Chris: the kayak finally gets launched
Suzy & Chris: the kayak finally gets launched
Suzy & Chris: the kayak finally gets launched
Suzy & Chris: the kayak finally gets launched
Suzy & Chris: Australian history
Suzy & Chris: Australian history
Suzy & Chris: Australian history
Suzy & Chris: for Grandma
Suzy & Chris: crashed out after a hard morning
Suzy & Chris: learning how to knit
Suzy & Chris: learning how to knit
Suzy & Chris: Arthur's picture
Suzy & Chris: Arthur's Assembley
Suzy & Chris: Arthur getting a Merit Certificate
Suzy & Chris: Arthur getting a Merit Certificate