MrsEds: Coach team talk
MrsEds: Pre match chit chat
MrsEds: Ruth gives thanks for the lovely weather
MrsEds: Kate's dad keeps his eye on the ball
MrsEds: John steps up to the job
MrsEds: action shot
MrsEds: John in action
MrsEds: Andrew
MrsEds: Coach pitches
MrsEds: John concentrates
MrsEds: Annie is ready
MrsEds: Over here
MrsEds: EA whacks it into the stands
MrsEds: Kate goes for it
MrsEds: Mrs E catches John out
MrsEds: Luptonn goes for it
MrsEds: Ruth looks determined
MrsEds: Action shot
MrsEds: Adam sends it flying
MrsEds: Shes home
MrsEds: Action shot
MrsEds: Alison minds the babies
MrsEds: Just like that
MrsEds: Post match picnic
MrsEds: John