Strike U: My Lego Arkham City Zsasz
Strike U: Lego Black Mask
Strike U: Lego Nightwing
Strike U: Custom Black Mask
Strike U: Custom Captain Boomerang
Strike U: Custom Arrow
Strike U: Custom Deadshot
Strike U: Fig-Nation's Arkham City Batman
Strike U: Lego Justice League (So Far)
Strike U: Arkham City Minifigs
Strike U: Solomon Grundy WIP
Strike U: The DC Strikeverse Teaser (READ DESC.)
Strike U: Lego Strike-Verse Year One: Green Arrow
Strike U: Custom Suicide Squad Harley Quinn
Strike U: The 15 Batmen: A Countdown to 2015 (2/3)
Strike U: Strike-Verse Year One: Batman
Strike U: Black Canary
Strike U: Strikeverse: Green Arrow (Hood)
Strike U: Justice League: The Beta Team
Strike U: "Cool" Loot! :D...(I'm So Sorry...)
Strike U: My Current Top 10 Figures
Strike U: "I'm here bitches!!" Custom LEGO Arkham Asylum Joker
Strike U: DC Strikeverse Figures # 1: Green Arrow
Strike U: Fig Nation's Deathstroke
Strike U: Double Whammy
Strike U: "Tell you bleed?"
Strike U: Jason Todd: The Broken Soldier
Strike U: "I'm Not The Flash..."
Strike U: DC Strikeverse Figures #2: Alter Egos
Strike U: And at the end of fear: Oblivion