mroach: Ready for checkin at JFK
mroach: Breakfast at JFK
mroach: The hilarious Japanese bikini show
mroach: Ahh, another Japanese visa
mroach: Sushi train
mroach: Bought some games for Hamin
mroach: If you walk around Akihabara, you will collect maps to maid cafes
mroach: Coconut cookies are yummy. "No Brand"
mroach: Today's haul
mroach: Karl at the hello kitty store in Shibuya 109
mroach: Notebook free with purchase of CD at HMV
mroach: I should bring this notebook to work and use it in meetings
mroach: Japanese belly dancing
mroach: Using a vending machine with Suica
mroach: Recharging Suica
mroach: Eating ramen
mroach: Vending machine restaurant
mroach: Vending machine restaurant ticket
mroach: Breakfast/lunch at the vending machine restaurant
mroach: Vending machine restaurant
mroach: Shinkansen signs tell you which car will stop here
mroach: Sendai
mroach: Sakura
mroach: Cow tongue sausage
mroach: Festival dance
mroach: Finally found a Japanese beer that isn't crap
mroach: I got a whistle, and beer
mroach: Language party
mroach: Herro
mroach: Outside Sendai station