TempusVolat: Retina Ia (early) - Bad Selfie
TempusVolat: Kodak Retina IIIc - Headless Selfie
TempusVolat: Kodak Retinette II - and yet another 'Me in the old mirror' selfie
TempusVolat: Kodak Retinette II - yet another 'Me in the old mirror' Selfie
TempusVolat: My take on the 'Vannevar Bush and his Kodak Retina Reflex S' advert of 1959
TempusVolat: Retinette IIB - Low Light Selfie
TempusVolat: Retinette IB - End of roll
TempusVolat: Spain 2011 - Retinette Adventures
TempusVolat: Bring Back a (not so) Oldie - 1 June 2016 - They have Retinas in Hell... that's good to know.... (Weird Retina II type 142 late night selfie)
TempusVolat: Retina 143 - Headless Selfie