mrlerone: Emma and Chris preparing the first course
mrlerone: Amuse Bouche (Funny mouth) - Cheese and Pineapple biscuit
mrlerone: Drink in a glass that's the shape of Marie Antoinette's boob
mrlerone: Prawn cocktail, but a bit more fancy
mrlerone: Helen and giant bottle
mrlerone: Sarah brings the scallops
mrlerone: Scallops
mrlerone: Chris brings more scallops
mrlerone: Digger has come as everyone's pervy Dad
mrlerone: Sarah with her decorative eyelashes
mrlerone: Happy Ros
mrlerone: Babysham sorbet
mrlerone: Ros having some Babysham sorbet
mrlerone: Babysham sorbet
mrlerone: Laughing Chris
mrlerone: Kate, Romilly and Helen
mrlerone: Amazing chicken kiev
mrlerone: Much jubilation as everyone toasts the brilliant cooks
mrlerone: Less jubilation as one person takes most of his clothes off and stands on his chair
mrlerone: Actual Freddie Mercury
mrlerone: Sarah's ring, and 2011 nails
mrlerone: Brandy snaps with ice cream
mrlerone: Rom, Helen and Chris
mrlerone: Me operating the impressive home entertainment system
mrlerone: Immediately after dinner finishes, China starts dancing on a table
mrlerone: New Year Sparkler loveheart
mrlerone: Fireworks!
mrlerone: More fireworks!
mrlerone: Kate and Chris hugging someone
mrlerone: Me kissing Sarah on the eyebrow