mrlerone: Mark surveys the land, happy that we found a place to live
mrlerone: Obligatory 'feet sticking out of tent' shot
mrlerone: Man who likes his drink
mrlerone: Mark with his standard issue festival hat
mrlerone: Tent and flags in the distance
mrlerone: Inflatable church and assorted revellers
mrlerone: Magical tree
mrlerone: 'Welcome'
mrlerone: Bright stage and sky
mrlerone: Castle/firewood
mrlerone: Mark looking up at the flags
mrlerone: Piano on the hill
mrlerone: New arrivals in the bright sunlight
mrlerone: Neil and Sam arrive
mrlerone: Sad abandoned burger
mrlerone: Camping drinkers
mrlerone: Neil cooking us breakfast
mrlerone: Breakfast being cooked
mrlerone: Me cooking some more eggs
mrlerone: How to poo a Bestival
mrlerone: Obligitory 'girl with ukulele' in talent show
mrlerone: Tazmanian devil, and his friends
mrlerone: Royalty on horseback/motorbikes
mrlerone: Fancy dressers a day early
mrlerone: At the top of the big wheel
mrlerone: Neil and Mark with a polar bear hat on
mrlerone: XX 3D sound installation thing
mrlerone: Peacock strutting.
mrlerone: Wild Beasts don't looks as exciting as they sound
mrlerone: Mark meets up with his friends