Mr Kiki: a cloudy top (again)
Mr Kiki: a miracle find
Mr Kiki: a scone deserved
Mr Kiki: clouds around the peak
Mr Kiki: finally, a view
Mr Kiki: from snowdon summit
Mr Kiki: making friends
Mr Kiki: me in front of snowdon
Mr Kiki: mine building
Mr Kiki: next time, the mug is mine
Mr Kiki: on snowdon
Mr Kiki: path to the clouds
Mr Kiki: people at the peak
Mr Kiki: post snowdon tea and cake
Mr Kiki: sheep folds
Mr Kiki: snowdon lake
Mr Kiki: snowdon summit
Mr Kiki: summit, with train
Mr Kiki: sunlight on the lakes
Mr Kiki: the clouds begin to clear
Mr Kiki: the green valley
Mr Kiki: the miners track
Mr Kiki: the path travelled
Mr Kiki: the peak clears
Mr Kiki: the summit, from the cafe
Mr Kiki: welsh mornings
Mr Kiki: you can almost see the sea