Mr Kiki: effects
Mr Kiki: hilly
Mr Kiki: into austria
Mr Kiki: moon rise
Mr Kiki: our overnight
Mr Kiki: reflective
Mr Kiki: back towards keswick
Mr Kiki: valley 2
Mr Kiki: light on the hillside
Mr Kiki: near the end, at the beginning
Mr Kiki: rolling greens
Mr Kiki: view from calf crag toward grasmere
Mr Kiki: a little damp
Mr Kiki: at the peak
Mr Kiki: drying off
Mr Kiki: emerging from the clouds
Mr Kiki: finding your way
Mr Kiki: into the clouds
Mr Kiki: looking back
Mr Kiki: made it
Mr Kiki: my reward
Mr Kiki: rhyd ddu, snowdon obscured
Mr Kiki: snowdon ranger yha, below
Mr Kiki: summit cafe 1
Mr Kiki: summit cafe 2
Mr Kiki: summit railway station
Mr Kiki: the path begins
Mr Kiki: the path home
Mr Kiki: the way back down
Mr Kiki: the way I came