Mr Kiki: a lovely day for whale watching
Mr Kiki: a rare sight
Mr Kiki: a whole lot of nothing
Mr Kiki: adios wellington
Mr Kiki: beautiful colours
Mr Kiki: breathing easy
Mr Kiki: can you see the whale
Mr Kiki: early morning beauty
Mr Kiki: hear anything
Mr Kiki: hello picton
Mr Kiki: hydrophone tracking
Mr Kiki: I see mountains!
Mr Kiki: in ferry entertainment
Mr Kiki: kaikoura, from our hostel
Mr Kiki: keep an eye out for whales
Mr Kiki: mountain vs sudoku (sudoku wins)
Mr Kiki: new zealand from the ocean
Mr Kiki: now, now, now... goooone
Mr Kiki: on board ship
Mr Kiki: one mean looking albatross
Mr Kiki: our first sighting
Mr Kiki: our vessel
Mr Kiki: picture sorting
Mr Kiki: spray
Mr Kiki: sunrise in wellington harbour
Mr Kiki: the bay at kaikoura
Mr Kiki: whale fin
Mr Kiki: whale hump
Mr Kiki: whale tail
Mr Kiki: inspire yoga, nelson