Mr Kiki: a stormy beach
Mr Kiki: beach strollin'
Mr Kiki: lounging
Mr Kiki: wind in the trees
Mr Kiki: windfall
Mr Kiki: the nutcracker
Mr Kiki: victorious
Mr Kiki: decanting the juice
Mr Kiki: just bash it against a rock!
Mr Kiki: an unexpected discovery
Mr Kiki: fresh coconut
Mr Kiki: coconut curry prep
Mr Kiki: in it goes
Mr Kiki: so yummy
Mr Kiki: cairns in the evening
Mr Kiki: bats!
Mr Kiki: fascinated
Mr Kiki: chip butty face
Mr Kiki: not the news I was hoping for (but kind of what I expected)
Mr Kiki: best fry up ever!
Mr Kiki: yoga at nomads
Mr Kiki: it's sunny out
Mr Kiki: the cruiser
Mr Kiki: stand still long enough...
Mr Kiki: a common eggfly
Mr Kiki: like my new hat?
Mr Kiki: cairns birdwing
Mr Kiki: ulysses butterfly
Mr Kiki: they like my hat
Mr Kiki: there's a common eggfly on my shoulder