Monday Morning Photography: Fire Truck Red - Salt Lake County FD
Monday Morning Photography: Ontario Oregon Train Depot
Monday Morning Photography: Pioneer Cabin - First permanent building in Utah cir. 1841 (preserved in Ogden)
Monday Morning Photography: Equestrian Princess
Monday Morning Photography: Arches National Park
Monday Morning Photography: Bomber on Vacation
Monday Morning Photography: Power - Nature vs. Nurture
Monday Morning Photography: On a Gray Day the Flag still Flies
Monday Morning Photography: Neighborhood Santa
Monday Morning Photography: Lights in the Park - Unicorn and Trees
Monday Morning Photography: Lights in the Park - Mermaid
Monday Morning Photography: Lights in the Park - Pegasus & Unicorn
Monday Morning Photography: 500mm after Christmas Project
Monday Morning Photography: The other side of the Tracks
Monday Morning Photography: Attached to the Grid
Monday Morning Photography: Capitol Reflections
Monday Morning Photography: Idaho Capitol Dome