Monday Morning Photography:
Out of the Rocks
Monday Morning Photography:
Still Pool and Guardian
Monday Morning Photography:
Shoshoni Falls - Right Ribbon
Monday Morning Photography:
Shoshoni Falls - Emerald Left
Monday Morning Photography:
Shoshoni Falls - Split Exit
Monday Morning Photography:
After the Water Fell...
Monday Morning Photography:
Shoshoni Falls - Wide
Monday Morning Photography:
Moon over Twin Falls
Monday Morning Photography:
Monday Morning Photography:
Changing Seasons - Naked Tree
Monday Morning Photography:
Monday Morning Photography:
Dark Beauty
Monday Morning Photography:
Descending Clouds
Monday Morning Photography:
Big Cottonwood - Rock Watering
Monday Morning Photography:
Big Cottonwood - Ebb and Flow
Monday Morning Photography:
Big Cottonwood - Leaves & Water
Monday Morning Photography:
Big Cottonwood - Moss Surrounded
Monday Morning Photography:
Dark Reflection - Impending Storm
Monday Morning Photography:
Snow on the Way
Monday Morning Photography:
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Wind Power
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Water Power
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - River
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Devil's Washbasin
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Devil's Washbasin Close-up
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Waterfall (from North Rim)
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge Waterfall
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge Waterfall - Close-up
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Water entering the East End
Monday Morning Photography:
Malad Gorge - Shear Face: Plants Clinging to Life