Monday Morning Photography: Yellowstone in the Making
Monday Morning Photography: Green is the River
Monday Morning Photography: Elk in Ladylike Repose
Monday Morning Photography: Buffalo on White
Monday Morning Photography: Yellowstone - Sheepeater
Monday Morning Photography: Yellowstone - Elk in Grass
Monday Morning Photography: Yellowstone - Orange pool
Monday Morning Photography: Yellowstone - Boiling spring
Monday Morning Photography: Yellowstone - paint pots
Monday Morning Photography: Nature Rebuilding itself in Yellowstone
Monday Morning Photography: Something is out of Place
Monday Morning Photography: A Wyoming way of Life
Monday Morning Photography: Where the Buffalo Roam
Monday Morning Photography: Meal time on the banks of the Yellowstone
Monday Morning Photography: Where Wyoming and Montana touch
Monday Morning Photography: A short rest after a long Winter
Monday Morning Photography: Nap time On the River Bank
Monday Morning Photography: Remnants of Winter on the Continental Divide
Monday Morning Photography: From Yellowstone Tetons Thrust Upward
Monday Morning Photography: At the End of the Road to Eden...
Monday Morning Photography: Feeling a bit Buried beneath it All