mrhungry: steeple and tower
mrhungry: Alexanderplatz
mrhungry: _5280940
mrhungry: Near the tracks
mrhungry: graffiti from train
mrhungry: graffiti in doorway
mrhungry: graffiti on doorway (faces)
mrhungry: pasted bird in doorway
mrhungry: sax and monster
mrhungry: old eastern parliament
mrhungry: old parliament building
mrhungry: memorial to war dead
mrhungry: smaller dome (view from bigger dome)
mrhungry: museum from dome
mrhungry: tea room
mrhungry: tea room owner
mrhungry: russian tea ceremony
mrhungry: goat
mrhungry: greek statue
mrhungry: green spider on table cloth
mrhungry: nice door
mrhungry: Volker leaving his office