KOKONIS: Langedrag wolves
KOKONIS: Kitten looking out of a window
KOKONIS: Cat chasing a bird
KOKONIS: Knackered cat 2
KOKONIS: Knackered cat
KOKONIS: Ibizanske Sauer
KOKONIS: IMG_3329 Lettskremte Ibizanske sauer
KOKONIS: Lives Underground
KOKONIS: IMG_3830 Lone deer?
KOKONIS: Scuolsk Høne
KOKONIS: Die Steinbock ist Los
KOKONIS: Uskedalen hane og killing
KOKONIS: Uskedalen geiter
KOKONIS: Sheep cluster
KOKONIS: Welsh 'cath'
KOKONIS: River estuary with cows, Porthmadog II
KOKONIS: River estuary with cows, Porthmadog
KOKONIS: River estuary with cows, Porthmadog III
KOKONIS: River estuary with cows, Porthmadog IV
KOKONIS: Black fisherman's cat
KOKONIS: Lizard on the road to Corniglia
KOKONIS: Sheep 'grazing' near Finse
KOKONIS: Sauer nær Belebotn
KOKONIS: Geitene på Prestholt closeup
KOKONIS: Forfulgt av geiter
KOKONIS: geiter i elva
KOKONIS: Fjøs, Prestholtseter II