mrgarin: Woodward
mrgarin: Ford / Field
mrgarin: The House of German
mrgarin: Butcher's
mrgarin: Where are the People?
mrgarin: Northern Soul
mrgarin: Old School
mrgarin: No Vacancy
mrgarin: Restored
mrgarin: Red Light District
mrgarin: Next to the Filmore
mrgarin: The Flimore
mrgarin: From Inside
mrgarin: tvol at Cass Cafe
mrgarin: from the people mover.
mrgarin: on the drawbacks of incinerating trash
mrgarin: $5 t-shirts
mrgarin: I see a lot of unusual things
mrgarin: who was the marketing consultant on this slogan?
mrgarin: reader
mrgarin: old school buttons
mrgarin: in line
mrgarin: garin looking down
mrgarin: sean, lauren looking up
mrgarin: Joe Louis likes Obama
mrgarin: who was the marketing consultant on this slogan?
mrgarin: sean, lauren: icee
mrgarin: Lauren, inspired
mrgarin: gore, obama, granholm
mrgarin: spiral