Mr.Enjoy: Diving buddies
Mr.Enjoy: Underwater light
Mr.Enjoy: Creature from the deep
Mr.Enjoy: Salemas (Sarpa salpa) feeding
Mr.Enjoy: White Starfish
Mr.Enjoy: Yellowstripe Goatfish
Mr.Enjoy: Pen Shell (Pinna rudis) Detail
Mr.Enjoy: Striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus)
Mr.Enjoy: Cavaco (Scyllarides latus) with cleaner shrimp(Lysmata grabhami )
Mr.Enjoy: Cylinder Anemone (Pachycerianthus dohrni)
Mr.Enjoy: Pen shell and Sea Urchin
Mr.Enjoy: Blacktail comber (Serranus atricauda)
Mr.Enjoy: Fire worm (Hermodice carunculata)
Mr.Enjoy: White Starfish (Coscinasterias tenuispina) detail
Mr.Enjoy: Big Blue Dip
Mr.Enjoy: Red Starfish (Ophidiaster ophidianus)
Mr.Enjoy: Clowning about...
Mr.Enjoy: Prickly encounter....
Mr.Enjoy: Up close...
Mr.Enjoy: Porquinho...
Mr.Enjoy: Neon Blue...
Mr.Enjoy: Blending in...
Mr.Enjoy: Colour....
Mr.Enjoy: Got to go....
Mr.Enjoy: Deep Blue...
Mr.Enjoy: Cruisin'
Mr.Enjoy: Crab & Co.
Mr.Enjoy: Breathe....
Mr.Enjoy: Triton walkabout
Mr.Enjoy: Lunchtime at the reef...