Mr Dimpy: Shovel Billed Duck.
Mr Dimpy: Coot.
Mr Dimpy: Lapwing.
Mr Dimpy: Flying Lapwing.
Mr Dimpy: Lapwing coming in for a landing.
Mr Dimpy: Plants at the edge of the pool.
Mr Dimpy: Jackdoor on a branch.
Mr Dimpy: Woodpecker and a Greenfinch.
Mr Dimpy: Woodpecker and Great Tit on a feeder.
Mr Dimpy: Woodpecker on a feeder.
Mr Dimpy: Great Tit's.
Mr Dimpy: Female Chaffinch.
Mr Dimpy: Great Crested Grebe.
Mr Dimpy: Great Crested Grebe’s courting dance.
Mr Dimpy: Oystercatcher.
Mr Dimpy: Canada & Greylag goose.
Mr Dimpy: Rook having a bath.
Mr Dimpy: Canada Geese.