Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4 launch, The first Saturn 5 rocket, "WOW! Dramatic photo", November 9, 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4 launch, The first Saturn 5 rocket, "Exceptional photo", November 9, 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4 launch, The first Saturn 5 rocket, "Magnificent photo", November 9, 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4 / Saturn 5 in the VAB, "The first Apollo moon rocket", August 26, 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4 / Saturn 5 rocket, Kennedy S;pace Center, VAB, January 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4: The first Saturn 5 launch, Walter Cronkite CBS: "Look at that rocket go into the clouds at 3000 feet!...you can see it...you can see it...oh the roar is terrific!." November 7, 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: Apollo 4 " The first Saturn 5 rocket launch from Press site view " November 9, 1967
Dan Beaumont Space Museum: APOLLO 4: Demonstration and operations of the first Saturn 5 rocket launch