richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Another 10 Gallon Hat
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Jim Ringer - Folk Singer, Song writer a real good guy.
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Folk Singer - Utah Phillips, golden voice of the great southwest.
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Freight Train by Elizabeth Cotton
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Tom Waits - 1973
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Patsy Montana
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Magee Bros. Kirk and Sam
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Mary McCaslin
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Hank Penny - San Diego Folk Festival
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Johnny Bond, Hank Penny and Smokey Rogers
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Street Musician
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Frankie Armstrong - Folksinger
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Tom Scribner
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Martin, Bogen and Armstrong
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Kurt Playing Harpsicord
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Sandi Miller
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Otis Pierce 1970's
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Mick Cooney 1973
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Utah Phillips
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Tom Waits 1974
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Mason Williams
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Glen and Wife
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Sam Chapman-San Diego Folk Festival 1970's
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Folk singer Patty Hall
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: A little Folk Music
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: John Bartlett
richham14 - (Mr Cubs}: Utah Philips - Another Story - McCabes Guitar Shop - Early 1970's