Keris Alexander Photography: Mancing, Semarang
Keris Alexander Photography: Tukang Buah, Kampung Dukuh
Keris Alexander Photography: Toko Melon, Pasar Kramat Jati
Keris Alexander Photography: Pelari di Jalan, Jakarta
Keris Alexander Photography: Bringing in the Catch, Java
Keris Alexander Photography: Anak dan Kapal Mancing, Batukaras
Keris Alexander Photography: Hand Fishing, Bogor
Keris Alexander Photography: Ikan Bakar di Pantai, Batukaras
Keris Alexander Photography: Kesawahan, Pangendaran
Keris Alexander Photography: Toko Jahe, Pasar Kramat Jati
Keris Alexander Photography: Tea in the Plantation
Keris Alexander Photography: Sambal Seller, Jakarta
Keris Alexander Photography: Potong Jahe di Warteg, Jakarta
Keris Alexander Photography: Kramat Jati, Jakarta
Keris Alexander Photography: Pasar Ayam, Jakarta