MonsieurBon: Bikes at the new Ithaca Architecture building
MonsieurBon: Hidden rock dwarves everywhere!
MonsieurBon: More rock dwarves!
MonsieurBon: Fun with HDR-messin'
MonsieurBon: Amazing hotel views.
MonsieurBon: Seems like a product ad.
MonsieurBon: Liz is thoughtful, you see.
MonsieurBon: I used to climb on this as a kid.
MonsieurBon: Boating in the paaaahhk.
MonsieurBon: The boat teased the dog.
MonsieurBon: Liz is scared of big bronze dudes.
MonsieurBon: Tunnels!
MonsieurBon: IMGP3260
MonsieurBon: IMGP3265
MonsieurBon: Watching the skies.
MonsieurBon: IMGP3271
MonsieurBon: How fashionable!
MonsieurBon: From an awesome video of angry table settings.
MonsieurBon: Arrival in Iceland. Very churchy.
MonsieurBon: Graveyard.
MonsieurBon: Lighthouse!
MonsieurBon: Two friends reach the lighthouse.
MonsieurBon: In case you fall in. Or get blown in.
MonsieurBon: IMGP3285
MonsieurBon: Liz examines the lighthouse.
MonsieurBon: More Lighthouse!
MonsieurBon: The seas.
MonsieurBon: Ghostly children in the wind.