mrbill: Midplane in box
mrbill: Open midplane box.
mrbill: RTFM
mrbill: Serial number labels
mrbill: Replacement midplane
mrbill: Preparing the work surface
mrbill: Ready to open up the patient.
mrbill: Bad motherboard exposed.
mrbill: Superdrive removed
mrbill: Inverter board removed
mrbill: Fan grill removed
mrbill: Video connector removed
mrbill: Bulging capacitors
mrbill: Other caps are fine..
mrbill: System shot
mrbill: Hard drive removed
mrbill: RAM removed
mrbill: Airport Extreme card removed
mrbill: Midplane assembly removed
mrbill: New midplane assembly.
mrbill: Power supply
mrbill: Hard drive reinstalled
mrbill: Almost done..
mrbill: It's alive!!