Mr. Bell: StringPlotter - MB
Mr. Bell: StringPlotter - VML
Mr. Bell: StringPlotter - Remote LED Hack
Mr. Bell: First test of string plotter
Mr. Bell: LED Tracing from Stepper Thingamabob
Mr. Bell: Thingamabob moving a red dot using stepper motors
Mr. Bell: Pololu A4988 Stepper Driver
Mr. Bell: Dual Axis Angular Sensor with Video
Mr. Bell: Ferrofluid #5
Mr. Bell: Ferrofluid #4
Mr. Bell: Ferrofluid #3
Mr. Bell: Pouring Water
Mr. Bell: Splash of Milk
Mr. Bell: Falling Lego's #1
Mr. Bell: Falling Lego's #2
Mr. Bell: Functional Lego Grenade
Mr. Bell: StringPlotter - New Light
Mr. Bell: First Test of Bubble Display
Mr. Bell: Parts salvaged from a printer