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Kansas City by Mr. Bell
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Mr. Bell
Under the upper of the 12th
Mr. Bell
Down the middle
Mr. Bell
Incubator Alley
Mr. Bell
Concrete building with bridge and addition
Mr. Bell
Alley with ice
Mr. Bell
Broadway Bridge
Mr. Bell
1:1 Scale model of the Forestor Viaduct
Mr. Bell
18th St. on Fat Tuesday
Mr. Bell
Town Topic Hamburgers
Mr. Bell
I-35 at dusk
Mr. Bell
Levy Ladder #2
Mr. Bell
1:1 Scale Model of Western Auto
Mr. Bell
Cross Town Station
Mr. Bell
A Henry Moore in the Henry Moore Sculpture Garden
Mr. Bell
Kinetic Sculpture at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Fine Arts
Mr. Bell
The Kansas City Art Institute Campus in Infrared
Mr. Bell
Winter under the 12th Street Bridge
Mr. Bell
Green Door
Mr. Bell
Highway 169 Tunnel Entrance
Mr. Bell
A West Bottoms Building
Mr. Bell
A train in the west bottoms
Mr. Bell
President Hotel
Mr. Bell
12th Street Bridge Second Level Entrance
Mr. Bell
Forrester Viaduct
Mr. Bell
Mr. Bell
Teddy and his plane
Mr. Bell
J. C. Nichols Fountain Detail
Mr. Bell
Kansas City Trains
Mr. Bell
1:1 model of the Holsum Food Products building
Mr. Bell
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