LusoFox: Unreality
LusoFox: Framed by foliage
LusoFox: Milky stream
LusoFox: Shooting the old mill
LusoFox: Light strip on the mountains
LusoFox: Dolphins coming to surface
LusoFox: Kuhengel / Cow angel
LusoFox: Invitation for a walk
LusoFox: Schloß Arenfels
LusoFox: Forest magic
LusoFox: The tree and the Moon
LusoFox: Cabo do Home
LusoFox: Ponte di Rialto
LusoFox: Venetian waiting
LusoFox: Dawn at Venice
LusoFox: Apagado
LusoFox: Foz
LusoFox: Mediterranean landscape
LusoFox: St. John's Fort
LusoFox: Sail lamp
LusoFox: Geometric lamp
LusoFox: Mystic lamp
LusoFox: Maroc lamp
LusoFox: Flower lamp
LusoFox: Sun lamp
LusoFox: Trapped sky
LusoFox: Wall window
LusoFox: Abandoned
LusoFox: César in B&W
LusoFox: Annular eclipse sequence 2005/10/03