mr_skot: vertical product team offsite
mr_skot: toulumne family camp
mr_skot: toulumne family camp 2
mr_skot: team beer
mr_skot: hal and penny
mr_skot: lobster
mr_skot: swimming
mr_skot: will jumped in
mr_skot: will about to jump
mr_skot: team dinner
mr_skot: I ate my ice cream pretty quickly
mr_skot: meself at offsite
mr_skot: ken is the firestarter now
mr_skot: ken is the firestarter
mr_skot: offsite meeting hike
mr_skot: doug rona ryan and kapil
mr_skot: rona and doug hiking
mr_skot: Penny and Kapil
mr_skot: log spotting
mr_skot: log photo op
mr_skot: Up higher and that's where I fell from
mr_skot: trail sky
mr_skot: Trail Trees
mr_skot: doug leeds goes riversliding
mr_skot: ken grobe in the river
mr_skot: team log
mr_skot: myspace photo impersonation
mr_skot: riverlog
mr_skot: rona yang
mr_skot: reflective river